1111找工作 APP



1.封裝工程驗證 2.封裝製程條件設定工程學門,資訊科學學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|0-10 人

You will be responsible for new process/product platform development included innovative new material study. Develop and research the advance technology to apply in new product which meet AEC-Q-101 automotive quality level. What you will be doing: - To develop and research the advanced material/process to apply in new products. - To use simulation tooling for developing new products/DOE to meet customer requirement in market. - To speed up new product development cycle and browse new product type. - To compare the device performance between our company and competitors. - To understand our process strength/weakness and find out the improvement action. - To solve new product quality issue and meet automotive/industrial qualification.物理學類,工程學門

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.封裝工程驗證 2.封裝製程條件設定工程學門,資訊科學學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.具備DRAM電性、物性等基礎知識 2.海外RMA客訴案件處理 3.海外客戶應用技術問題支援 4.海外客戶技術交流 『具工作經驗者,薪資另議』工程學門,物理學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


1. Calibre DRC/LVS rule writing. 2. PERL or TCL language programming. 3. SKILL language programming. 4. Virtuoso / Laker editor usage. 5. Be familiar with the mask tape out procedure 『具工作經驗者,薪資另議』電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.展機失敗調查/實施 2.生產過程與機台警報之異常調查/診斷/消除 3.提升製程能力&Fan out (參數/機台/工具)以改善生產良率工程學門

應徵人數|0-10 人


We are looking for talents with superior analytical thinking to join our Strategic Marketing and Planning Department in Taipei worldwide headquarter. ASE Technology Holding (TAIEX: 3711, NYSE: ASX) is the world’s largest provider of semiconductor manufacturing services in IC assembly and test, and we have extended our presence in electronic manufacturing services through our subsidiary, USI (SSE: 601231) . The position will have the great fast-track involvement in group strategic planning / business development and exposure to global technology dynamics and leading electronic and semiconductor companies. Responsibilities: - Conduct market analysis on technology, electronics and semiconductor industry to help our group identify business opportunities - Perform analysis for group business performance and deliver insights to senior management - Evaluate potential strategic investment or M&A targets and partnership opportunities with execution plans - Utilize effective communication and problem-solving skills to work closely with different departments within ASE Group to ensure company growth - Collaborate with sales, engineering and manufacturing teams to assist strategic decisions of senior management with our market intelligence Qualifications: - BS or MS of Electrical Engineering or equivalent - Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities - Good written and verbal communication skills - Native proficiency in Chinese/fluent in English speaking and writing工程學門

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.光罩資料統合彙整檢查and Mask tape out 2.Mask CD量測文件製作. 3.光罩規格訂定. 4.光罩系統的優化改善. 5.Linux工作環境操作。 『具工作經驗者,薪資另議』資訊工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


a.製程應用技術開發 b.實驗規劃與分析 c.應用設備開發機械工程學類,光電工程學類,材料工程學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


FDC(Fault Detection Classification) 是一套偵測機台或產品異常的即時處理系統。收集機台的各種參數資料來分析並監控生產過程中是否有異常發生,在發生異常時能立即對機台或產品進行異常管制, 協助Module工程師能即時處理機台與產品的異常。本單位主要的工作如下所示。 1)維持FDC系統正常運作 2)針對異常的案件進行分析 3)規劃並執行改善專案 『具工作經驗者,薪資另議』工程學門

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.專案開發時程與預算規畫 2.SOW/TTS、TRA收集與彙整、產出DOE計畫(PKG level)、模擬回饋分析 3.DOE Plan規劃、Re-TRA 4.Qual Plan規劃、結案報告(產品/製程/RT/DPA)、PTR 5.其他上級交辦事項工程學門,工業技藝及機械學門

應徵人數|0-10 人


R&D Pilot Line Fab • Updating the Fab engineers on customer issues and technology needs. • Supporting root cause defect and unique fail mode analysis. Process Integration • Delivering advanced technology to meet future product nodes. • Developing recipes to meet structural & electrical requirements. • Managing wafers though Wet&Dry etch levels in support of special requirements. Other Process Areas • Working in cross-functional teams to jointly develop device structures. • Supporting cross-functional failure analysis and yield improvement. Wet or Dry Etch peers • Maintaining or developing expertise in multiple process, hardware, or technology areas. • Serving as a resource for peers in recipe & process development. Qualifications: • Understanding in: Transport phenomena, Electromagnetics, Atomic/Molecular physics, and Surface phenomena • Solid trouble shooting, experimental design and data analysis skills • Strong computer skills, including MS Office • Basic understanding of wet process /plasma etching • Understanding in the principles of wet etch or dry etch processing • Rudimentary understanding of process control and Statistical Process Control (SPC) Education/Experience: MS/PhD in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics 『具工作經驗者,薪資另議』工程學門

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.協助現場主管交辦事宜 2.維護現場環境秩序及協助調機/製程工程進行 3.需著無塵服於廠內進行工作 4.可配合輪班制 5.需配合外派出差.時間/地點依公司規定機械工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


駐場於新竹台積電 機械設備的安裝、維修和保養。 ● 定期檢查和測試客戶端的設備,確保其正常運作。 ● 根據客戶的需求,協助進行設備的安裝、維修工作,並提供相關報告和技術討論。 ● 處理機械設備的異常情況,進行故障排除和修復。 ● 執行主管分配的任務,協助公司的運作和服務工作。輕型機車,普通小型車輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.次世代光電半導體之電漿製程應用技術開發,包括先進封裝製程、淨零碳排及能源等議題。 2.電漿製程實作與相關文獻收集。材料工程學類,化學工程學類,物理學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=269&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. 說明 1. Extract SPICE model parameters. 2. Device characterization. 3. Customer support. 4. Model document creation. 資格 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate. 2. Master‘s degree or above majoring in EE, Physics or Engineering related fields. 3. Related experience in semiconductor device, SPICE. simulation/modeling, measurement. 4. Must be effectively bilingual in Mandarin and English.

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.提供客戶產品技術諮詢 2.經銷商及客戶端產品教育訓練等相關工作 3.負責機台設備之裝機、調適、維修作業 4.處理產品客訴/抱怨 5.經常性國內/外出差、工作地點含無塵室環境 6.需配合夜間加班及假日值班候傳 7.其他交辦事項機械工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


本職缺強力召募演算法開發人才,具備以下任一領域專長者即歡迎投遞履歷 1. 人工智慧(AI)演算法開發 2. 電腦視覺與自然語言演算法開發 3. AI加速器軟硬體最佳化(模型壓縮)程序開發 4. DSP/MCU程式開發 5. 電力轉換系統應用電機工程學類,電子工程學類,資訊工程學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.監控線上SPC Chart,並針對異常部分即時處理。2.製程異常分析,並維護產品品質。3.可以輪替值班為佳,協助線上處理異常。 『具工作經驗者,薪資另議』

應徵人數|0-10 人


【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=259&source=1111 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. (TSMC) is committed to upholding the employment rights of accessibility individuals. In accordance with Taiwan Disability Rights Protection Act, we have established a dedicated recruitment section for those with a disability certificate and warmly welcome them to join TSMC. Description The role is responsible for providing world-class IT systems for TSMC R&D in advanced technology development through process automation on integrated IT platforms, AI-embedded decisions, and highly secured data protection. We are looking for a highly motivated engineer to join our system development team. The ideal candidate has the initiative, solid IT skillset to build the next generation of Intelligent R&D systems for TSMC‘s competitive advantage creating and sustaining. By using IT / ML / AI method to assist metrology, process APC control, big data analysis, organization infrastructure improvement. Qualifications 1. A valid Taiwan disability certificate. 2. Master‘s degree or above majoring in Computer Science, Information engineering, Industry Engineering, Statistics or Mathematics related fields, similar technical field of study or equivalent practical experience. Strong skills in C++, JAVA, Python, JMP and Math Lab etc. 3. Familiar with large-scale software development & data analysis (Spectrum, imaging and signal processing) and web front-end development and back-end development. 4. Familiar with Machine Learning and AI development with Statistics knowledge domain. 5. Experiences and skills in system architecture is preferred (e.g., Cloud Native Application, Micro-Service, Container-based Kubernetes).

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.開發特定客戶,拓展國內市場,以達成業績目標。 2.定期拜訪客戶出差,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3.負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 4.產品推廣、客情維護與訂單處理。 5.客戶端客訴處理。 6.辦理主管交辦之事務。 7.市場調查與分析。商業及管理學門,英美語文學類,工程學門普通小型車

應徵人數|0-10 人

