【台中】Full Stack / 資深全端工程師 (台中市政府旁)
『 我們要的不只是寫程式的人 』 你做的是閱讀規格書、完成PM交付的工作嗎? 對我們而言,開發是分析使用情境和目的、評估效能和安全性、考量資源和效益 寫程式只是工作的一部分,我們真正在做的是 將公司宏偉的藍圖、客戶天馬行空的需求和同仁嘔心瀝血的想法透過程式語言轉化成產品 『 我們在找的不是同事 』 我們的團隊聚集了各種迴然不同的開發者 無論你是工程師、碼農、程序猿還是魔法師 無論你的目標是one piece、世界第一的大劍豪還是金·富力士 我們要的是能夠互補、願意互相學習、值得互相依靠的隊友 ‧ Designing, coding, and debugging web applications and services. ‧ Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. ‧ Perform requirement analysis, code analysis, system risk analysis, and technical root cause analysis. ‧ Support, maintain, and document software functionality. ‧ Continuously learn and improve skills. ‧ Perform other duties as necessary. ‧ 具 5 年以上產品開發經驗,並有跨職能、跨部門的組織協調能力,與人員及專案管理經驗。 ‧ 曾帶領5人以上團隊,能獨立進行客戶需求訪談並確認規格,並有自信面對客戶解決問題。
【台中】Flutter App Developer / App軟體開發工程師(台中市政府旁)
『 我們要的不只是寫程式的人 』 你做的是閱讀規格書、完成PM交付的工作嗎? 對我們而言,開發是分析使用情境和目的、評估效能和安全性、考量資源和效益 寫程式只是工作的一部分,我們真正在做的是 將公司宏偉的藍圖、客戶天馬行空的需求和同仁嘔心瀝血的想法透過程式語言轉化成產品 『 我們在找的不是同事 』 我們的團隊聚集了各種迴然不同的開發者 無論你是工程師、碼農、程序猿還是魔法師 無論你的目標是one piece、世界第一的大劍豪還是金·富力士 我們要的是能夠互補、願意互相學習、值得互相依靠的隊友 ★ 負責 App 架構設計、程式開發和系統維護 ★ 評估新技術、研發新工具,並勇敢的導入他們 ★ 從使用者和技術專家角度出發,對產品設計提出建議 ★ 聞到程式碼的壞味道時,適時地挪動座椅找夥伴討論 ★ 接收到無法理解的任務時,舉起手請PO詳細說明 ★ 分享任何靈光一閃或是絞盡腦汁的好點子
(年度擴編)Full Stack / 全端工程師
‧ Designing, coding, and debugging web applications and services. ‧ Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. ‧ Perform requirement analysis, code analysis, system risk analysis, and technical root cause analysis. ‧ Support, maintain, and document software functionality. ‧ Continuously learn and improve skills. ‧ Perform other duties as necessary.
【台中】Full Stack / 全端工程師(台中市政府旁)
『 我們要的不只是寫程式的人 』 你做的是閱讀規格書、完成PM交付的工作嗎? 對我們而言,開發是分析使用情境和目的、評估效能和安全性、考量資源和效益 寫程式只是工作的一部分,我們真正在做的是 將公司宏偉的藍圖、客戶天馬行空的需求和同仁嘔心瀝血的想法透過程式語言轉化成產品 『 我們在找的不是同事 』 我們的團隊聚集了各種迴然不同的開發者 無論你是工程師、碼農、程序猿還是魔法師 無論你的目標是one piece、世界第一的大劍豪還是金·富力士 我們要的是能夠互補、願意互相學習、值得互相依靠的隊友 ‧ Designing, coding, and debugging web applications and services. ‧ Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. ‧ Perform requirement analysis, code analysis, system risk analysis, and technical root cause analysis. ‧ Support, maintain, and document software functionality. ‧ Continuously learn and improve skills. ‧ Perform other duties as necessary.
【PM】Software Product Manager / 軟體產品經理
As an Assistant Product Owner you are assisting a Product Owner who is responsible for the quality and strategic impact of a medium or complex product. Together with your agile team you work on continuously improving and evolving the assigned products in order to optimize the value for the customer. Collaborating with team to define a robust product backlog, managing capability expansion increments and contributing to new functionalities & best practice definitions are a few examples of the activities that will be expected from this role. 【Major duties & responsibilities】 • Work with development teams to ensure they understand the vision for the product and are designing great features for our partners. Work closely with stakeholders, design, product analysts and engineering teammates to drive the product development process. • Develop detailed project plan & project status updates to monitor and track progress, and to maintain with agile oriented tools. • Review & Track project deliverables produced by stakeholders, business analysts, technical service owners & QAs. • Initiate product performance monitoring and analysis to discover new opportunity. • Develop, maintain and appropriately prioritise backlog of user stories for implementation. • Monitor, optimize and enhance the configuration, features and functionalities related to the product. 【Required】 • Must demonstrate excellent verbal and written skills to communicate effectively with cross functional teams including business, IT, application development and DBA teams. • Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills with the ability to exercise mature judgment. • Track record demonstrating strong leadership skills, with multi-national and distributed development environments. • Good Project Management, Tracking, Control and Visibility (communication) for Stakeholders and product teams to give a forecast view of exisitng or incoming projects. • Ability to work under pressure, think analytically, define and roll out client and project specifics, develop plans and schedules.
此人員之工作重點在於參與且瞭解公司產品策略的制定與執行, 且由行銷面進行市場訊息之收集以提供/建議公司產品未來之行銷策略之規劃與執行。 ■ 了解產品目標對象及競爭趨勢分析,進行商品定位,強化產品價值以設定/執行市場策略。 ■ 參與產品設計過程,以行銷角度制定資源及成本計畫已設定獲利模式。 ■ 撰寫產品行銷企劃書及簡報製作。 ■ 通路、廣告代理商、內部協作單位等協調與確認。 ■ 熟悉社群經營,策劃並執行在地化產品推廣活動 (廣告曝光度提升、行銷活動、KOL/KOC洽談、同異業合作、行銷文案撰寫…等)。 ■ 數據監控、成效分析、並提出行銷和內容策略的優化建議。 ■ 對娛樂產品有熱忱,擁有源源不絕的企劃點子, 善於發想熱烈互動的話題。
Data Engineer / 數據工程師
• 設計/開發/維護大數據相關專案, 包含Data Warehouse管理, 負責資料建模、收集、儲存等功能。 • 建立 Batch/Streaming pipeline,並確保數據品質與正確性。 • 理解使用者需求,處理數據調取任務或開發API供相關單位使用。 • 維護雲端大數據架構及服務,降低費用成本。 • 持續學習,優化現有數據架構與新技術導入。
(年度擴編)Backend Development / 後端工程師
‧ Develop and operate backend systems related to data collection and data processing. ‧ Responsible for workflow automation , process optimization and performance tuning. ‧ Coordinate with technical lead on current programming tasks. ‧ Continuously learn and improve skills. ‧ Perform other duties as necessary.
Chat App Operations Specialist
1. Find topics for everyone to discuss and interact with members 2. Administration (group management, moderation) 3. Track metrics (number of members, number of interactions, etc) Work location: 台北市內湖區 (if you are in another area, we can discuss the location and form of work)
1. 執行Google廣告操作,有廣告投放三年以上實務經驗者佳。 2. 進行廣告成效追蹤分析並彙整報表,以及其他網路廣告協作(例如FB、IG) 3. 熟悉Google Analytics並能分析與優化網站報名表單頁。 4. 能根據公司成本與利潤考量制定廣告策略,嚴謹對待每個廣告操作。 5. 能與其他工作夥伴互相溝通與協作。 6. 媒體行銷企劃文案了解產品特點,針對受眾給予廣告素材優化和內容調整。 7. 監控並分析廣告數據,提供廣告投放建議與方案,每日追蹤成效(ROAS、CPA、CPC),分析數據,監控優化。 8. 擬定投放策略(包含受眾、出價及版位)和預算應用,並且實際操作掌握成效。
【台中】【PM】Software Project Manager / 軟體專案經理
We are looking for experienced, highly motivated & results orientated Project Manager to join our team. The ideal candidate is a professional who understands what it takes to coordinate a multi-faceted, complex project and who has the drive to make things happen. The right person is not only a project manager, but has the soft skills to help busy stakeholders willingly meet all their deadlines. You will work in a cross-functional team, and in this role, you are the glue that holds things together and will be on point to ensure success. Major duties & responsibilities: ‧ Develop detailed project plan & project status updates to monitor and track progress, and to maintain with agile oriented tools. ‧ Proactive, closely collaboration and communication with all stakeholders & project team members at all times throughout project life cycle. ‧ Ensure overall solution or service fulfills user requirements and expectation. ‧ Review & Track project deliverables produced by stakeholders, business analysts, technical service owners & QAs. ‧ Change Management execution according to the internal Change Management model. ‧ Understand and provide feedback on Root Cause Analysis report. ‧ Worked with the team to present incident reports defining issues and solutions. ‧ Perform risk management to minimize the project risks. ‧ Resolve any issues and help look for resources to solve problems throughout the project life cycle. ‧ Escalate major issues or showstoppers to senior management throughout project life cycle. 【Required】 ‧ Experience in software development industry for at least 2 years. ‧ Must demonstrate excellent verbal and written skills to communicate effectively with cross functional teams including business, IT, application development and DBA teams. ‧ Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills with the ability to exercise mature judgment. ‧ Track record demonstrating strong leadership skills, with multi-national and distributed development environments. ‧ Must demonstrate track record in taking an IT project from concept to completion. ‧ Good Project Management, Tracking, Control and Visibility (communication) for Stakeholders and project teams to give a forecast view of exisitng or incoming projects. ‧ Effectively manage project scope by ensuring any changes to scope are documented and approved with project change request forms. ‧ Ability to work under pressure, think analytically, define and roll out client and project specifics, develop plans and schedules. ‧ Project Management execution according to the internal working model/methodologies/policies. ‧ Track, manage, and be accountable for all aspects of successful project execution.