1111找工作 APP



1.制定年度採購計畫.建立原物料管理系統. 2.進行供應商開發評鑑. 3.研擬與執行降低營運成本策略.. 4.採購合約及相關資料保存與管理. 5.負責部門人員訓練及績效評估一般商業學類,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人

★★一年晉升店長,百萬年薪等您來挑戰★★ 想要有舞台發揮嗎? 想要有晉升機會嗎 ? 有夢想要追尋嗎 ? 我們正在尋找渴望展現自我、實現夢想的同仁,並希望朝經營管理發展, 而非一般的工作者的您,只要您對餐飲有著強烈熱情,您所投入的所有努力與忙碌, 都將距離夢想更近一步,6~12個月密集培訓讓你學習、晉升、成長, 學習改變命運,請不要猶豫,快加入我們的行列 !! ★ 歡迎具熱忱及積極主動的您加入我們的行列, 通過考核發展為儲備幹部或經營管理職主管, 若欲應徵此職,請先投遞履歷需附照片(個人正面清晰照片)並詳填基本資料, 第一階段審核通過欲安排初試時,將以電話通知安排面試日期時間與地點, 合適者將於3~5個工作天內主動聯繫,不合適者將不另行通知。謝謝!! ◪ 儲備幹部 培訓/薪資待遇: ★ 錄取任用薪資:34,500~38,000元/月,每天排班8+1小時,中間有空班時間。 通過考核後一年內,有機會晉升店長職級,薪資上看42,000~47,000元/月。 ★ 優質福利:享有員工餐、三節獎金、目標達成獎金。 ◪ 儲備店長 培訓/薪資待遇: ★ 錄取任用薪資:36,500~40,000元/月,每天排班8+1小時,中間有空班時間。 通過考核後一年內,有機會晉升店長職級,薪資上看42,000~47,000元/月。 ★ 優質福利:享有員工餐、三節獎金、目標達成獎金。 — 工作時段 — 10:00-22:00 分 早、晚班,每個班別視排班需求每日排8小時 ※ 視營運需求加班另計加班薪資 ※ 依營運需求彈性排班,工作時間面試詳洽 — 培訓地點X工作地點 — 1. 培訓地點:依居住地分派至鄰近營業據點培訓 全台各營業據點: https://banjiouwoo.com/location/ 2. 工作地點:依照實際居住地為主,有晉升意願者未來將配合展店做調任發展。 — 展店訊息 — ★預計招新~113年第二季新北市新店店

應徵人數|1-5 人

本公司為濕紙巾及濕式衛生紙製造廠, OEM代工、ODM客製化。 1.熟機械操作及故障排除。 2.生產線進度的排定與管理。 3.人員的督導調配、教育管理。 4.指揮有關產品製造、監控產品生產過程。 5.確實執行生產目標,並達成各項生產指標。 6.負責廠務管理(設備保養、廠區規劃管理、各式製表等)。 7.需有擔任主管並有管理人員工作經驗五年以上。 ※具堆高機證照佳。 ※具有以上相關經驗者,薪資可面議。機械工程學類,電機工程學類堆高機操作技術士(單一級)輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.依據餐單準備相關的食材 2.將食材清洗並做簡單的處理備用 3.根據顧客的點單進行烹調 4.清理以及保養設備

應徵人數|1-5 人

1. 核對出貨單(訂單),撿貨、驗貨及包裝。 2. 進貨收貨紀錄在帳冊或卡片,並keyin在系統內。 3. 定期追蹤複查庫存與紀錄商品是否相輔有無損壞,如不符合找出原因。 4. 定期清點物料,並將物料標示並放於正確位置,必要對相關人員解說,使其容易使用。 5. 定期清潔庫存、工具、設備或貯藏室,以確保符合安全規章及存貨安全。 6. 倉庫物品、物料進出管理品,與請購單、發票及其他憑證是否相符。 7. 發放物品並且對於不足的貨品申請補充。 8. 檢查貨物是否有瑕疵判斷,瑕疵物品的加工處理與教學。 9. 安排工讀生加工品項及數量。 10. 門市庫存調動與配送。 11. 人力調度安排,收送貨車趟安排。 12. 定期安排倉庫人力盤點(季、年)。 13. 管理第三方物流庫存與車趟運送。 14. 主管交辦事項。 15. 上班時間10:00~19:00。 16. 有露營經驗者(加分)。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

需具有餐飲業熱誠,熱愛服務工作,工作分配.有吃到飽餐廳經驗尤佳,想要往上爬,月薪38000起,獎金另計.月休8天,享勞健保,勞退, 【職涯規劃】 正職人員(36000元/月起)→副店長(38000元/月起)→店長(44000元/月起,獎金另計) 【工作地點】 台南市永康區永大路二段842號 請電洽潘經理 0931780848

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.具備妥善處理客訴、協商談判..等能力 2.具跨部門之間溝通協調能力者。 3.負責客人帶位、介紹餐點、點餐、桌邊服務、跑單、送餐及聯繫內外場之工作。 4.每月績效目標之達成。 5.具備領導統御能力,班表編排,管理外場人員及工作之調配。 5.財務、設備維護及管理,物料盤點、訂貨之控管。 6.餐廳清潔維護管理。 7.協助主管相關教育訊練。 8.不爭功諉過,面對過錯勇於承擔,虛心檢討並改善。 9.熟悉餐廳整體運作及成本控制。 (正式店長具入股及每月分紅機制)輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

工作地點:按公司分派。新北市全區:新莊區/五股區/土城區 1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1.現場配水配電相關作業施作 2.繪製機電/給排水/電氣/消防工程施工圖、竣工圖 3.指揮並監督工人,以控制工程的執行進度與施工品質。 4. 計劃、組織及指揮有關建造的活動與維護結構設施與系統。 5. 與所有人、承包商及設計師共同商量,討論及解決現場事務。 6. 審查與檢閱專案的規劃,以監控是否遵守建築、安全法規和其他章程。 7. 預先檢查分包廠商施工前之準備工作。 8.確實填寫監工日報表,以留下詳實工程進行的記錄資料。 9. 進行進場材料品質之點收、存放、使用查驗及結算。 10. 依據施工狀況向分包廠商協商提出各項建議及監督,並視狀況採取各項措施。輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人

1. Account management for existing and potential customers. 2. Build up good relationship with customers and meet customers‘ satisfaction. 3. Maintain existing customers to get continuous business growth and develop new customers business opportunity. 4. Accomplish sales target.普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Minimum of 10 years work-experience as a team leader responsible to sell keypad or rubber products 1. Improve overall sales performance and to further expand business footprint in Thailand and overseas sales in Asia region. 2. Leading Asia sales team by focusing unique selling proposition product and to explore new application/new industry. 3. Expand and develop new customer from target new sales region in Asia. 4. Assist sales to handle existing customer and develop new project with oriented project acquisition result. 5. Assist sales of Involvement in project management and co-ordination with customer and internally of new project kick off, e.g. Early Supplier Involvement, project conference of APQP progress, FA sample, and technical feasibility discussion until PPAP approval stage. 6. Chinese and English language is a must. Computer literate.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 有團隊領導經營實際經驗與能力。 2. 有照顧同仁、為公司同仁表率。 3.反應快,細心有責任感,且具有獨立解決問題能力。 4. 工作態度積極、有責任感、不怕學習新技能新產品。 6.精通空運公司知識與行蕭 7.櫃檯門市接待與需求服務、產品介紹及解說銷售能力 8.精通英語者佳。 9.獎金另計普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Search for and develop new accounts 2. Initiate outbound cold calls or emails to potential customers, direct and indirect, e.g. System Integrators, VARs, OEMs and Enterprise end users 3. Successfully manage and overcome objections 4. Qualify opportunities, create target lists for vertical markets 5. Consistently achieve lead and appointment quotas and produce reports as necessary 6. Monitor inventory, negotiate price, enter and monitor orders, facilitate credit issues and negotiate returns 7. Develop superior customer relationships 8. Consistently achieve sales quota

應徵人數|1-5 人


The Sales Manager is responsible for driving existing customers, developing new business directly/indirectly and expanding business with key accounts in SEA. He/she needs to work closely with PM/FAE/BD/Service teams to identify business opportunity and offer the right solutions to win major projects on data center, cloud computing, enterprise IT, big data, HPC, 5G telco and embedded/IoT. 1. Manage distributors and key accounts. Expand business with them to reach the targets and revenue growth. 2. Direct engage and develop new business & customers in SEA. 3. Independently handle sales leads and close orders for identified business opportunities. 4. Execute the company sales strategies and design the sales plan to meet the sales quota. 5. Organize the business and solution proposal to customer needs. 6. Perform other duties as required.

應徵人數|1-5 人


Jabra Taiwan is now looking for a Sales Manager (B2B), based in Taiwan to join our enterprise team and to explore, maintain and drive the Taiwan enterprise business to new heights. This is a great opportunity for the right candidate who wants to move up a Country Manager position as their next job and join a winning team! This role reports to the Head of TW. Would you like to make your mark on a world-leading technology brand? Would you have passion to be a professional technology country manager in your next career planning? If yes, please join us. This person would ideally have a background in technology sales with the willingness to expand the Jabra sales footprint in Taiwan and would responsible for · Driving channel revenue growth through working with key distribution partners primarily in Taiwan. Frequent channel contact and face time to pitch new product roadmap and enable sell- in. · Driving and monitoring purchase orders, channel inventory, and sell-out data. · Managing distribution partner and key channel status reports. · Meeting quarterly and annual Revenue, Contribution, and KPI (Key Performance Indicator) targets. · Growing Jabra presence and Enterprise /Consumer market share, optimize channel coverage, and Driving active market plans for assigned high-growth accounts. · Maintaining and grow existing channels Apple Channel, LFRs, Open Channel, and Operator Projects, and working with local team to develop program that drive sales. · Identify and cultivate new channels in unfamiliar territories for example B2B, B2C and bundles. Identity and cultivate 3rd party-brand and co-brand projects. · Launching Product, phase-in / phase-out, and range selection. · Developing CRM account base; Pricing and channel margin. To be a successful candidate, you should have · 3-5 years familiar industry sales experience prefer young potential. · Soft capability with passion, independence, result driven. · Working location in Taiwan. About Us About Jabra - Part of GN Store Nord A/S makes life sound better by developing intelligent sound solutions that transform lives through the power of sound, enabling you to hear more, do more & be more than you ever thought possible. Our integrated headset and communications solutions assist professionals in all types of businesses in being more productive. Our wireless headsets and earbuds are designed to fit any lifestyle - from sports enthusiasts to commuters and office workers. Jabra is part of the GN group, which operates in more than 90 countries across the world. Founded in 1869, GN group today has more than 5,000 employees. GN Netcom is an EEO Employer and does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin or ancestry, age, disability, veteran status, military service, sexual orientation, genetic information, or gender identity.數理統計學類,企業管理學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


Manage the existing channels and develop new business to achieve revenue growth and hit sales targets. The tasks will include: 1. Build/maintain close partnership with all responsible channels. 2. Lead qualification and identify business opportunities. 3. Prepare proposals to RFI/RFP/RFQ in collaboration with PM team. 4. Lead the channels and cooperate with marketing team to increase company brand awareness in the responsible region. 5. Arrange sales & product training to the channel partners on regular basis. 6. Contract review & negotiation of terms and conditions when needed. 7. Make sales plan in liaison with company strategy. 8. Prepare sales report on regular basis.

應徵人數|1-5 人


• Manage key corporate accounts / develop new business with corporate clients • Prospect for new corporate clients and constantly keeping abreast with the business environment especially understanding clients’ needs • Target potential market by developing, implementing and executing sales action plans and strategies • Develop and maintain a high level of product and service knowledge to facilitate the explanation of our product range and their benefits to potential and existing clients • Project accurate representation of Company to clients • Exhibits understanding of the sales process with the ability to communicate and execute against key strategies to drive both sales and profitability • Identify potential opportunities through consumption trends that are in line with brand positioning • Prepare quotation/agreement and present proposal plans to clients • Liaise with Finance to ensure timely invoicing and payments are received from clients • Process purchase and sales orders • Prepare periodic reporting for management team • Liaise with Warehouse and Logistic team to ensure that goods are delivered to corporate clients in a timely manner • Work closely with heads of various departments to drive strategic growth of accounts • Conduct sales training to sales executives and ensure that sales staffs are equipped with sufficient sales related knowledge

應徵人數|1-5 人


工作描述: 1. 軟體產品銷售:新客戶開發,親訪,參加展覽、研討會、客戶產品培訓與教學等。 2. 軟體銷售後勤:處理客戶產品需求,完成訂單、客戶追蹤等。 3. 產品行銷支援:制定產品銷售計畫、市場分析等。 職務要求: 1. 對軟體和3C產品有興趣,並有一定程度的了解。 2. 樂於學習,可快速深入了解產品特性,具市場推廣與銷售能力。 3. 思路清晰,邏輯性強,具協調和管理客戶能力。 4. 為人正直守信,認真負責,做事細心,善於溝通協調。

應徵人數|1-5 人


● Collect market information and conduct price & cost, and portfolio analysis ● Manage key accounts and related sales opportunities on a daily basis ● Lead and work with internal team to win RFQ and manage projects till MP ● Coordinate with PMs, PDs, acoustic teams, and production teams to ensure commitments of delivering qualified results to customers ● Demonstrate success in interacting and establishing strong professional relationship internally and externally with customers of all levels ● Passionate about delivering best support to customer in establishing stronger corporate reputation ●Regularly travel ro existing customers and potential customers‘ site and trade shows for networking and relationship menegement ●Cold call and other business development skills (experience user of LinkedIn, etc.) to develop new and potenial customers

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Overview】 We seek a full-time Marine Regional Sales Manager in Taiwan, New Taipei City. In this role, you will be responsible for developing new retail sales and cultivating and expanding relationships with Garmin specialty and/or technical dealers as well as being an alternate point of contact for many of our partners which includes but is not limited to existing marine accounts and installing dealer networks. This position will travel to major tradeshows and periodic regional events as well as support onsite meetings with customers and industry partners. 【Essential Functions】 • Develop and execute strategies to increase market share/profits, establish/execute sales plans/sales promotions, and prepare/maintain monthly sales forecasts. • Responsible for attaining sales targets. • Work closely with business partners to develop new programs for retail/consumer use. • Leverage product knowledge to create sales strategies attractive to potential dealers. • Develop, maintain, and share Garmin product knowledge with dealers. • Create and make sales presentations to prospects and existing accounts. • Communicate market requirements effectively to product development teams. • With little/no supervision, able to travel, coordinate, and represent Garmin at industry and professional meetings, trade shows and conferences and complete timely and succinct trip/status reports. 【Basic Qualifications】 • Bachelor’s Degree AND a minimum of 3 years’ experience in sales and marketing with a proven track record in meeting sales targets OR a minimum of 5 years relevant experience • Highly motivated sales professional who demonstrates a proven track record of sales successes • Demonstrates a customer service focus with proven experience in relationship building and providing quality customer service experiences. • Demonstrates strong and effective verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills and must be an articulate/fluent communicator who is at ease with public speaking. • Flexibility to travel (50-75% of time or greater depending on division requirements) 【Desired Qualifications】 • Bachelor’s Degree • Excellent product knowledge of communication and navigation systems • Demonstrates initiative in suggesting/executing individual, team, and strategic objectives. • Demonstrates a proficient fundamental understanding of the sales division’s products and segment’s industry. • Extensive personal experience in fishing and boating • Business to Business sales experience商業及管理學門,工程學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


〝1. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Electronics or Mechanical) with sales background in the automotive industries for not less than 5 years 2. Experience in selling rubber or keypad products to local and global companies 3. Ability to speak both English and Chinese language. Communication skills and negotiation skills are highly preferred. 4. Game-changer and with the potential to penetrate large customers globally 5. Familiar with IATF 16949 standard and other Quality Management System 6. Take work pressure as a challenge to achieve the target given by the company〝

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. Business Development and Account maintain 2. Cost Management include BOM, MVA, NRE and IPR 3. Work with engineer, procurement for supply management and key part selection 4. RFQ cost review and quote 5. Sales project status follow up 6. Customer relationship maintain 7. Business negotiations商業及管理學門,電算機學門,數學統計學門

應徵人數|1-5 人


Introduction Account Manager for Apps and Yieldstar business operations within TSMC GBM team Job Mission Apps business operation to support the ever growing Apps business. Job Description · Account manager for business operations to support the ever growing Apps business. Core jobs including 1) demand consolidation and coordinating internal parties, 2) Business operations including upgrade planning, final payment collection, business escalations, etc, 3) working with BDM to develop commercial strategies for new Apps options, 4) Support GBM for new VPA. · Business goals and strategy : Looks for ways to develop strategies to meet ASML business goals on Apps products. Helps to develop clear goals and success factors directly linked to the achievement long term and short term of Global Account business strategies. Take clear accountabilities by providing appropriate guidance. · This is accomplished by creating strong interface between multiple levels of the customer and ASML including sales/BDM, engineering, purchasing, planning, R&D, management , operations, accounting, finance, business lines and marketing, deal structuring team, legal/contract, etc. Conveys a strong understanding of customer’s expectation; recognizes the business linkages and strategies with present and future customers’ needs effectively to ensure customer satisfaction and account profitability. Education : Master degree Experience : 3-7 years working experience. Knowledge and experience in semiconductor equipment industry is required Personal skills : English , Good communication and interpersonal skills Context of the position : Accountable for Apps business operations in TSMC Account team.

應徵人數|1-5 人


POSITION SUMMARY: Executive Manager of Regional Sales is stationed in key cities of feeder markets of Galaxy Macau (e.g. Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Korea, Japan and Taiwan (China) but not limited to). Responsible for maximizing resort revenues across all assets through partnerships and extending sales activities across all segments, Consortia, Corporate and MICE markets. Also needs to lead and guide regional sales manager to achieve company goal in dedicated market. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES: - Formulate and compile annual sales budgets, strategies, activities & promotional plan with AVP & VP of sales - In-depth understanding of corporate and MICE target accounts while developing existing and establishing new accounts as long term business partners - Maximize resort revenue by means of business cultivation and identify proactive and productive business contributors in each segment and market, as well as to develop partnership in all feeder cities to tighten business relations - Achievement of company’s targets and objectives through execution of sales strategies, sales management - Promote destination by implementing effective sales activities to achieve sales target - Enter all client contact information into Delphi (CRM tool) to ensure proper follow up and closure for each individual account - Attend industry conferences, meetings and trade shows representing Galaxy Macau - Provide colleagues and management competitive intelligence consistently and as warranted - Identify and report, Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportunities (SWOT) - Customer oriented teamwork through all Galaxy Macau departments - Submit monthly market report to share business insights with property team - Lead and guide regional sales manager to have right sales activities - Keep high level of integrity all the time - Deliver daily sales call and prospecting goal targets per week - Actively visit clients in market and solicit their business to Macao - Arrange sales call whenever property sales team has visited key markets REQUIREMENTS: - Degree holder or with relevant working experience; - At least 8 years of experience in a sales role within an international chain hotel, with minimum 2 years managerial position or above; - Have developed solid sales network in the corporate, consortia, 3rd party agency and MICE segment in Asia region/China; - Good knowledge of Global Distribution System; - Hotel property management systems and Microsoft office suite products experience; - A creative sales individual who is mature, result driven team player with good interpersonal relations skills, communication, presentation and negotiation skills; - Understanding of the gaming industries is an advantage; - Willing to commit and take challenges with a ‘can-do’attitude; - Able to work under tight deadlines and independently

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.Business Development and Account maintain 2.Cost Management include BOM, MVA, NRE and IPR 3.Work with engineer, procurement for supply management and key part selection 4.RFQ cost review and quote 5.Sales project status follow up 6.Customer relationship maintain 7.Business negotiations

應徵人數|1-5 人


Purpose of this Position: The primary objective of the Moxa Korea (MKR) Channel Sales Manager (CSM) is to drive revenue growth and market expansion by effectively managing and nurturing relationships with channel partners, including distributors, resellers, and system integrators. This role is ensuring the successful execution of MKR channel sales strategies and achieving the business goals. Key objectives for this position include: 1. Revenue Growth: Develop and execute channel sales strategies to consistently meet or exceed revenue targets and increase market penetration. 2. Sales Enablement: Provide channel partners with the necessary training, resources, and support to effectively promote and sell Moxa‘s product portfolio. 3. CME (Channel Management Excellence): Manage channel business performance by CME methodology to ensure that channel partners are aligned with Moxa business objectives. 4. Market Insight: Stay informed about market trends, competitive landscapes and etc. to adapt and refine sales strategies for sustained success. 5. Collaboration: Foster close collaboration with MKR and MHQ (Moxa HQ), including marketing, technical, product management and etc. to ensure alignment with company goals and maximize the value delivered by channel partners. 6. Channel Partner Recruitment: Identify, recruit, and onboard new channel partners.

應徵人數|1-5 人


主要負責管理越南子公司的全方位運營。 ●工作職責與任務 1.營造高效的工作環境,並領導團隊實現營運目標。 2.需要持續優化相關流程,確保作業品質與成本效益。 3.領導團隊參與公司整體營運策略的制定與實施。 4.溝通技巧與跨文化合作是成功關鍵,以確保與總公司或其他海外子公司之間的協作。 ●工作內容 1.負責越南子公司規劃與管理工作。 2.負責製定與實施營運計劃。 3.負責對越南子公司的日常管理與監督,以提高作業效率。 4.協助組織編製與修訂各項規章製度並監督執行。 5.參與營運決策、組織安排,確保經營計劃的落實,推動團隊高效運作。 6.完成上層主管交辦事項或專案。 7.需與總公司、海外子公司溝通合作。 8.可接受長期外派於越南,偶需出差至總公司或其他海外子公司。化學工程學類,材料工程學類,電機工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.開發飯店客房業務並維繫客戶關係 2.規劃業務發展策略並達成業績目標 3.配合公司策略制定各項業務策略,包含國內外出差,旅展等 4.協助收集並分析市場資訊,作為決策方向之依據JLPTN1,JLPTN2

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. To facilitate, drive and enhance relationships with selected accounts and opportunities. 2. To have the potential/ability to articulate / demonstrate company value and strategy with regards to products, operation, business development. 3. To have the potential/ability to handle RFQ through carrying out cross function coordination, proposal/BOM review, cost analysis and negotiation with business counterpart 4. To have the potential/ability to handle sustaining projects in the administration of margin review, forecast tracking, operation support and urgent issues ※依學經歷、工作年資敘薪

應徵人數|1-5 人

