《工作地點》 本公司,大樹區,近義大購物中心 《工作內容》 教育訓練辦理課程(30%) 1. 課前確認講師授課需求、領據資料、教材與學員名牌印製、場地佈置及設備確認。 2. 課中協助講師上課事宜、講師領據簽收、確認學員出勤、紀錄上課狀況及餐食發放。 3. 課後彙整滿意度調查、上課資料歸檔(錄影檔與補充講義上傳)、學員課後作業彙整。 招募作業(60%) 1. 使用招募平台進行電話與站內信件邀約。 2. 例行性回覆及追蹤面試人員之需求狀況。 3. 人才資料庫建置與維護。 《工作時間》 可依課表彈性排班,一週至少需配合排班3天(2個整天、2個半天)
人力資源暨教育訓練行政專員 薪3.6萬-5萬,可年後上班
高於診所界薪資! 福利佳、各種獎金! 有培訓制度、升遷管道通暢,職涯可多元發展,同事好相處,團隊合作氣氛佳! ※推薦您加入的理由※ 我們是雙北最大的腸胃科連鎖診所,診所開業至今已逾九年,期待營造一個舒適的醫療環境,創造患者愉快的就醫經驗。 我們提供高於診所界的薪資!診所工作環境舒適新穎,同事工作氣氛融洽和諧~ 沒有經驗也不用擔心!我們擁有完善的培訓制度,在職涯上也有定期的考核、透明的升遷制度及各式獎金讓夥伴能挑戰自我,爭取更優的薪資! *****有客服、電話行銷經驗者更佳***** 【您的職務內容是】 1. 執行人員招募作業 - 篩選人員履歷、電話邀約、甄選面談,協助公司各部門招募。 2. 薪資結算、出缺勤管理,報到/離職手續作業。 3. 保險作業 - 勞保勞退/健保加退保、投保級距調整、每月勞保勞退/健保金額核對。 4. 執行教育訓練相關活動。 5. 行政庶務支援,需具備良好的溝通能力及服務熱忱。 6. 其它主管交辦事項。 【期待您具備的特質】 1.溝通協調能力良好,善團隊合作。 2.主動、積極,具備解決問題之能力。 3.細心謹慎、有耐性,具責任感。 4.熟悉offfice 軟體應用,擅長Word、 Powerpoint、Excel的運用。 【我們將提供給您】 ▶︎定期考核及透明升遷制度 | 能力佳可爭取更佳的薪資! ▶︎工作之外也照顧您的身體| 提供員工及家人看診及健檢優待! ▶︎溫馨的工作環境 |診所工作環境舒適新穎,同事工作氣氛融洽和諧~ ★期待您加入我們的大家庭★
●我們想找尋的夥伴:對於「人」有高度興趣、敏銳度以及談話能力! 【工作內容】 1.協助履歷表篩選招募適合人才 2.協助聯繫求職者安排面試、報到相關事宜 3.進行人員報到相關事項處理、內部培訓、人事相關疑難解答 4.完成英語教學部門行政事務與主管交辦事項 5.其他主管交辦事項 【我們期待你擁有以下特質!】 1.高EQ、勤奮的態度、遇到困難願意堅持到底 ! 2.有高度的執行力、正面影響力且願意挑戰 ! 【如果你還符合以下任何加分條件會更棒!】 *需要對工作有企圖心,勇於挑戰自我,追求工作效率,具抗壓性及解決問題的能力。 *溝通協調能力良好、個性開朗、執行力強。 *對招募工作有熱忱,熟悉人才招募流程 ,熟多元招募管道者佳。 歡迎有活力優秀的你/妳~加入FUNDAY~
1.規劃及審核公司各項管理制度,以符合經營管理之需求 2.塑造公司組織氣候及企業文化,以符合發展需要,引導各部門經營方向與公司營運目標方向一致 3.定期召開經營會議並落實、督促和協調各部門的工作進展 4.危機處理 5.針對當前市場景氣形態調整行銷策略及作法.策動所有人員達成目標 6.負責協調各部門活動,安排各大小型會議或特殊晚會 7.依據市場研究與分析、企業或組織既定政策,訂定運輸作業計畫並執行 8.定時檢討工作,並向上級主管提出報告及改進建議 9.品牌旅遊形象推廣及執行 10.協助主管交代事項
【邀請對人資工作具有熱忱之工作夥伴加入!】 在這份工作中,您將會負責... 1. 規劃並執行新進人員教育訓練計畫 2. 規劃並執行管理階層培訓計畫 3. 規劃並執行年度績效考核專案 4. 視各單位需求安排內、外部教育訓練 5. 教育訓練計畫之建檔與數據化統計 6. 定期更新、維護職能模型與職位說明書 7. 其他主管交派事項 【本職缺將依相關經驗及能力敘薪】
行政支援類 - 績效管理師【高雄】
1.績效考核: 年度績效考核業務執行、輔導廠區展開績效改善計畫及成果追蹤。 2.晉升管理: 晉升作業執行暨相關活動辦理。 3.數據分析: 分析績效資料與其他廠內數據,作為人才發展培訓及管理決策參考。 4.專案推動: 協助規劃及推動相關專案以評估績效及發展提升職能,落實策略執行。 5.其他事項: 作業流程優化、主管交辦事項。
HR/CSR工作之規劃、執行: 1. 人事例行工作:人員招募、考勤、編制、薪酬管理 2. CSR例行工作:各類證書/執照管控、定期環安衛稽查、即時回應品牌CSR需求、NGO專案,等 3. 各品牌CSR稽核、國際認證〈準備、執行、追蹤、改善〉 4. 地方政府、協力廠商組織〈公關〉 5. 全廠教育訓練、企業文化培訓、團建活動 任聘要求 1. 無經驗可 2. 態度積極,善於溝通 3. 英文:中等以上〈聽/說/讀/寫〉 4. 精通電腦操作〈Outlook/Excel/PowerPoint〉
1.招募作業執行 (篩選人員履歷、電話邀約、安排面試) 2.人事相關資料維護及管理(如:員工個人基本資料建置、新進離退作業、職務異動紀錄、獎懲紀錄、員工通訊錄、組織圖…等)。 3.出缺勤管理 (請假、加班、公出、留職停薪作業等相關資料建置及異常處理)。 4.熟悉人資法令、處理勞資爭議、新人訓練與環境介紹、薪酬結算、日常支出請款與報銷。 5.執行人資經理交辦事項。 6.辦公室日常行政庶務,物業聯繫/資產管理/例行盤點/採購。 7.例行活動協助,每週五下午茶。 8.年節活動籌備,季聚餐/每月生日會/春酒。
1.規劃維修排程及考量人力、設備、原料、維修計畫和維修進度等因素,進行適當之工作分配。 2.在多樣少量以及接單維修的客戶型態下,即時的協助業務確認最佳的出貨日程。 3.配合主管需求製作相關報表以掌控整體維修計畫的執行情況。 4.能夠主動的發掘和解決所遇到問題的根本原因,以便能有效地進行持續性的改善和進步的空間。 5.公司處於成長中的環境下,對於已經排定的排程需能夠做彈性、即時性的調整來滿足客戶需求。 6.時常性的進行跨部門的溝通,以利於取得最佳的交貨計畫。 7.其他上級主管交辦事項
Data Protection Investigator
【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址: https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=567&source=1111 Established in 1987 and headquartered in Taiwan, TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry business model with an exclusive focus on manufacturing its customers’ products. In 2023, the company served 528 customers with 11,895 products for high performance computing, smartphones, IoT, automotive, and consumer electronics, and is the world’s largest provider of logic ICs with annual capacity of 16 million 12-inch equivalent wafers. TSMC operates fabs in Taiwan as well as manufacturing subsidiaries in Washington State, Japan and China, and its ESMC subsidiary plans to begin construction on a fab in Germany in 2024. In Arizona, TSMC is building three fabs, with the first starting 4nm production in 2025, the second by 2028, and the third by the end of the decade. Responsibilities: Investigator performs a number of job functions, including: 1. Information Leakage Case event investigation 2. Evidence collection 3. Witness interviews 4. Report writing 5. Record keeping 6. Case briefing for executive level review 7. Historical case summary, statistic, and analysis 8. Law Enforcement Liaison 9. Courtroom testimony Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) reflects TSMC’s core values and business philosophy and is essential for our future success. Our commitment to DE&I allows us to create an environment where every employee, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation, can bring their unique perspective and experiences to work, enabling us to drive profitability, increase productivity, and unleash innovation. To strive to create a workplace that is equitable and accessible to all employees, we also provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to our mission and provide excellent service to our global customers.
Global Talent Sourcer
【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=4176&source=1111 Established in 1987 and headquartered in Taiwan, TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry business model with an exclusive focus on manufacturing its customers’ products. In 2023, the company served 528 customers with 11,895 products for high performance computing, smartphones, IoT, automotive, and consumer electronics, and is the world’s largest provider of logic ICs with annual capacity of 16 million 12-inch equivalent wafers. TSMC operates fabs in Taiwan as well as manufacturing subsidiaries in Washington State, Japan and China, and its ESMC subsidiary plans to begin construction on a fab in Germany in 2024. In Arizona, TSMC is building three fabs, with the first starting 4nm production in 2025, the second by 2028, and the third by the end of the decade. Responsibilities: 1. Strong knowledge of external market recruitment threats & opportunities. 2. Ability to keep up with shifting market talent trends. 3. Ability to strategically think of different approaches to engage passive candidates from all around the world by leveraging various potential sourcing channels locally and globally. 4. Ability to understand and present external market talent intelligence data and influence stakeholders with the talent insights. 5. Monitor existing data, channels and provide insights to identify opportunities and improvement areas. 6. Proactively think of innovative solutions to improve current process and improve candidate experience. 7. Ability to work on global talent acquisition projects and conduct process and system enhancements. 8. Work closely with other team members and stakeholders on various HR talent acquisition initiatives and global projects. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) reflects TSMC’s core values and business philosophy and is essential for our future success. Our commitment to DE&I allows us to create an environment where every employee, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation, can bring their unique perspective and experiences to work, enabling us to drive profitability, increase productivity, and unleash innovation. To strive to create a workplace that is equitable and accessible to all employees, we also provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to our mission and provide excellent service to our global customers.
1. 擬定人力資源政策,訂定選、訓、用、留的計畫,以達成企業的策略目標。 2. 讓企業具備招募優秀人才的優勢。 3. 建立符合企業文化的人才發展體制,以有系統的培訓員工,強化企業的人才資本。 4. 建立績效管理與薪酬制度,訂定調薪政策、薪酬制度、退休金制度,以維持企業的競爭力。 5. 調解勞資爭議、處理員工資遣解雇等特殊人力資源相關議題。 6. 維護企業內部人力資源之相關紀錄(如:員工個人基本資料、工作說明書、職務輪調紀錄、出缺勤紀錄與績效評核紀錄等)。 7. 規劃與執行人員招募、甄選與任用,以解決公司的人力需求問題。 8. 規劃公司的訓練發展體系,進行訓練與發展之需求分析、規劃、執行與成效評估。 9. 其他主管交辦事項。
Compensation Governance & Benefit Planning Specialist
【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址: https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=4973&source=1111 Established in 1987 and headquartered in Taiwan, TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry business model with an exclusive focus on manufacturing its customers’ products. In 2023, the company served 528 customers with 11,895 products for high performance computing, smartphones, IoT, automotive, and consumer electronics, and is the world’s largest provider of logic ICs with annual capacity of 16 million 12-inch equivalent wafers. TSMC operates fabs in Taiwan as well as manufacturing subsidiaries in Washington State, Japan and China, and its ESMC subsidiary plans to begin construction on a fab in Germany in 2024. In Arizona, TSMC is building three fabs, with the first starting 4nm production in 2025, the second by 2028, and the third by the end of the decade. Responsibilities: 1. Implement benefits plan that align with company goals and objectives. 2. Develop and maintain policies and procedures related to compensation and benefits programs that comply with legal and regulatory requirements. 3. Collaborate with Legal, Finance and other teams to provide input for corporate governance related disclosure. 4. Develop and maintain positive relationships with internal and external vendors, such as insurance providers. 5. Support to prepare reports and presentations on compensation and benefits programs for corporate governance events. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) reflects TSMC’s core values and business philosophy and is essential for our future success. Our commitment to DE&I allows us to create an environment where every employee, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation, can bring their unique perspective and experiences to work, enabling us to drive profitability, increase productivity, and unleash innovation. To strive to create a workplace that is equitable and accessible to all employees, we also provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to our mission and provide excellent service to our global customers.
Organization Development (OD) Project Specialist
【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址: https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=4988&source=1111 Established in 1987 and headquartered in Taiwan, TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry business model with an exclusive focus on manufacturing its customers’ products. In 2023, the company served 528 customers with 11,895 products for high performance computing, smartphones, IoT, automotive, and consumer electronics, and is the world’s largest provider of logic ICs with annual capacity of 16 million 12-inch equivalent wafers. TSMC operates fabs in Taiwan as well as manufacturing subsidiaries in Washington State, Japan and China, and its ESMC subsidiary plans to begin construction on a fab in Germany in 2024. In Arizona, TSMC is building three fabs, with the first starting 4nm production in 2025, the second by 2028, and the third by the end of the decade. This role is based in Organization Planning and Development Division (OPDD) in Human Resources. Responsibilities: 1. Support in designing and implementing corporate initiatives for organization effectiveness and talent bench strength to achieve business objectives. 2. Support and facilitate appropriate interventions to address organization and talent challenges: e.g., organization diagnosis, individual and team performance, talent development, leadership transition, team dynamics, etc. 3. Identify and integrate HR processes and practices in support of organizational and cultural transformation with balanced global and local perspective. 4. Work with the team for project design and solution deployment, including problem identification, data collection & analysis, change enablement plan, stakeholder engagement, and seamless implementation. 5. Conduct benchmark research and experiments with new models and practices to enrich OD Knowledge Management database. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) reflects TSMC’s core values and business philosophy and is essential for our future success. Our commitment to DE&I allows us to create an environment where every employee, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation, can bring their unique perspective and experiences to work, enabling us to drive profitability, increase productivity, and unleash innovation. To strive to create a workplace that is equitable and accessible to all employees, we also provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to our mission and provide excellent service to our global customers.
Senior Staffing Specialist
【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址:https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=5432&source=1111 Established in 1987 and headquartered in Taiwan, TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry business model with an exclusive focus on manufacturing its customers’ products. In 2023, the company served 528 customers with 11,895 products for high performance computing, smartphones, IoT, automotive, and consumer electronics, and is the world’s largest provider of logic ICs with annual capacity of 16 million 12-inch equivalent wafers. TSMC operates fabs in Taiwan as well as manufacturing subsidiaries in Washington State, Japan and China, and its ESMC subsidiary plans to begin construction on a fab in Germany in 2024. In Arizona, TSMC is building three fabs, with the first starting 4nm production in 2025, the second by 2028, and the third by the end of the decade. Responsibilities: 1. Perform as the HRIS data key maintenance user to process and execute non-payroll employee transactions related to all HR activities, including setting organization codes, setting up system organizational report lines, maintaining all organization charts, managing position movements, and adjusting various entitlements, such as processing allowance provisions in response to staff reassignments. 2. Execute annual special projects requested by other departments to ensure all risks are well managed, such as the 〝annual declaration of non-compete〝 and 〝conflict of interest〝 projects. 3. Manage and maintain the system/policy SOP (組織章程) and develop enhancements for system processes (流程管理圖). 4. Provide system maintenance training to site employees for system usage. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) reflects TSMC’s core values and business philosophy and is essential for our future success. Our commitment to DE&I allows us to create an environment where every employee, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation, can bring their unique perspective and experiences to work, enabling us to drive profitability, increase productivity, and unleash innovation. To strive to create a workplace that is equitable and accessible to all employees, we also provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to our mission and provide excellent service to our global customers.
Business Management Professionals
【本職缺僅接受台積電官方網站投遞】 請至台積電官方網站投遞個人履歷表,此職缺履歷登錄網址: https://careers.tsmc.com/careers/JobDetail?jobId=13744&source=1111 Join Us and Shape the Future Together! As a global leader in the semiconductor industry, TSMC continually drives technological advancements. The development of cutting-edge technology relies not only on technical experts but also on individuals with a professional background in business management. As TSMC expands its presence in the global market, we are actively seeking talented professionals with expertise in business management to support and propel our business growth. We offer a platform full of opportunities. Whether you specialize in market analysis, financial management, procurement, supply chain management, or human resources management, we eagerly await your participation to leverage your professional talents and drive corporate growth. Our team is composed of top experts from around the world, committed to creating a collaborative and mutually beneficial working environment. We are actively seeking professionals for the following positions. Please refer to the links in our career website to submit your resume: Corporate Planning Professionals 1. Corporate Planning Associate 2. Account Production Planner Human Resource Professionals 1. HR Business Partner-Corporate Business 2. HR Business Partner-Operations 3. Compensation Analyst 4. Data Scientist in Strategic HR 5. Organization Development (OD) Project Specialist 6. Senior Training Specialist/Principal Training Specialist (Customer Facing Role) 7. Training Specialist/Senior Training Specialist 8. Global Talent Sourcer 9. Talent Acquisition Specialist 10. Senior Staffing Specialist 11. Compensation Planning Specialist 12. Compensation Governance & Benefit Planning Specialist 13. Business Process Integration Specialist 14. Global Compensation Planner (Europe) 15. Global Compensation Planner (US) Finance Professionals 1. Financial Specialist, Funding Management Department 2. Accounting Associate 3. Financial Specialist, Financial Planning Department 4. Insurance Specialist Global Procurement and Supply Planning Professionals 1. Global Procurement and Supply Planning Professionals 2. Strategic Procurement Planner and Buyer 3. Strategic Procurement Buyer (Fab Construction and Facility Procurement) 4. Global Equipment Sourcing & Purchasing Engineer 5. Procurement Engineer (General Affairs) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) reflects TSMC’s core values and business philosophy and is essential for our future success. Our commitment to DE&I allows us to create an environment where every employee, regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation, can bring their unique perspective and experiences to work, enabling us to drive profitability, increase productivity, and unleash innovation. To strive to create a workplace that is equitable and accessible to all employees, we also provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where every employee feels valued and empowered to contribute to our mission and provide excellent service to our global customers.
1. 負責預算編審與控管作業 2. 覆核各項會計作業以及各項稅務申報作業 3. 覆核財務報表及異常項目分析檢討 4. 各項會計作業流程檢討及優化 5. 分析單位績效以及機構零用金控管、應用 6. 外籍工作人員資格審核、資料證件管理 7. 人員報到.離退作業 8. 勞健保及團保,加退保作業 9. 人員薪資考勤計算 10. 新進人員資料追蹤與資料管理 11. 廠商應付及應收帳款核對、帳務處理、進、銷盤點及管理 12. 人事及會計文件資料維護、更新、管理、歸檔 13. 人員出缺勤核對及資料維護作業 14. 人事相關表單維護及更新 15. 報局及報備支援作業 16. 公文文件收發整理 17. 接受單位主管指派、調派、執行職務工作及支援評鑑等 18. 主管交辦事宜
一、招募: 1. 人力銀行及就服站網站職缺維護 2. 不定時出差參與徵才活動 3. 求職履歷篩選及面試邀約 二、錄取、報到及離職作業: 1. 新進:發送錄取通知及準備報到文件 2. 離職:系統離職建檔及離職證明用印申請 3. 勞健保及團保加退保作業(含傷病給付、公傷給付申請) 三、臨廠健康關懷: 1. 每月一次配合護理師及醫師執行員工健康關懷 2. 每年協助護理師進行職安計畫之執行工作 四、出勤與薪資結算: 1. 員工出勤記錄維護(包含假卡、調班單及加班單建檔等作業) 2. 薪資結算作業 五、勞動檢查: 1. 熟知勞基法及其他勞動相關法令 2. 配合主管機關查核資料提供 六、其他要求: 1. 行政文書處理(收發函、簽呈、公告擬稿及法扣作業) 2. 不定時處理主管交辦事項 3. 熟悉微軟文書處理軟體者佳(Word、Excel) 4. 有耐心且細心、個性活潑熱情且善溝通者佳 5. 第一項~第五項具備任兩項者優先錄取 ※目前此單位編制為兩位人事且互為代理人,故上述工作內容孰悉後會進行工作分工,非一人之工作量。
1. 依據身心障礙者工作能力及期待進行職場開發,進行工作媒合 2. 陪同身心障礙者工作,擬定服務計畫,進行工作訓練及職場適應 3. 追蹤身心障礙者就業後適應情形,提供後續支持 4. 記錄等相關表格撰寫 5. 支持身心障礙者自我決策活動 6. 參與團隊自媒體平台經營 7. 其他主管交辦事項
1、 參與當地規章制度的制定和修訂。 2、 負責管理和維護辦公室的設施。 3、 完成公司內部行政、人事等管理工作,合理有效的安排公務用車,保證出車及時。 4、 負責公司公共環境的衛生清與環境維護管理。 5、 日常接待、協調與政府有關主管部門的關係(如消防等),給公司創造良好的外部支持環境。 6、 協調與行業有關的管理機構、協會及其他有關企業的關係,在同行業當中提升公司的知名度。 7、 負責各類活動的組織策劃和運行。