1111找工作 APP




1.有主管經驗 2.有發包工程經驗 3.有標案經驗 上班時間8:00~17:00 (中午12:00~13:00為休息時間) 休假制度:週休2日 歡迎投遞履歷 或來電預約面試時間04-23357976 王小姐 ****面試時請攜帶完整履歷表**** 具機械 電子電機 自動控制 電動配線 機械加工、設計 電控相關實務操作經驗者佳工業技藝及機械學門,工程學門,行銷與流通學類公共工程品質管理人員,公共工程品管工程師(機電組),丙種勞工安全衛生業務主管普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.新產品開發設計 2.繼電器開發設計 3.研發團隊管理 4.主管交辦之事項 5.長駐海外機械工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.課程計劃撰寫與規劃協調 2.客戶聯繫維護管理 3.親和力佳、擅溝通協調、熱情、禮貌 4.熟office軟體,善用電腦文書與多媒體應用軟體輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


本公司業務內容與政府機關現行推動之「農村再生」、「地方創生」等相關農村推廣政策相關,主要係輔導農村社區整體發展,陪伴社區發掘生態、文化、產業等資源,輔導並訓練社區具有能力運用其資源,促進各農村社區實現其社區之發展願景。 本公司除有機會接觸許多農村社區,發掘各個小農村的特色文化、產業及地方故事,亦能透過專業協助,使社區能有所發展的同時也豐富了自身的視野與人脈。 計畫專案經理相關工作如下: 1. 尋找及閱覽政府機關委辦計畫招標文件,進行計畫執行可行性評估並擬定接案規劃。 2. 協助計畫主持人規劃專案計畫各階段之提案建議書、期初/期中/期末/成果報告書等撰寫工作。 3. 各專案計畫工作拆解、人力資源分配與進度成果掌控。 4. 與各專案計畫業主保持良好溝通管道,針對各工作項目之需求及預計成果進行溝通後據以實施。 ※薪資待遇級距:3萬5~4萬(依據過往專案經驗狀況及管理能力高低調整) 具備特質如下: (一) 有經驗者為佳,需提出經驗專案證明 (二) 有閱讀習慣,喜歡搜集案例、研究案例, (三) 能有效、明確、準確說明自已的工作規劃構想及優點 (四) 有耐心,善於聆聽、願意與人溝通需求,再將需求納入工作規劃 (五) 熟悉word多層次清單、樣式設定、格式設定、分頁、分節、自動目錄、自動圖目錄、自動表目錄。 (六) 曾經學過「工作拆解」者為佳 (七) 熟統計方法者為佳 (八) 會第二外國語言為佳社會服務學門,農林漁牧學門,大眾傳播學門普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Key Responsibilities】 • Strategic Leadership: Lead and manage the Localization Division, leveraging profound translation domain knowledge and resources to drive excellence in project execution. • Translation Expertise: Contribute to project translation and localization, ensuring precise and accurate interpretation of the original text. Tasks encompass Chinese-English translation, multilingual translation, proofreading, and editing as necessary. • Information Verification: Conduct thorough knowledge and information verification research, addressing the unique needs of various departments and enhancing data accuracy. • Organizational Planning: Drive localization organizational planning, establish streamlined processes, and implement effective systems to optimize divisional performance. • Vendor Collaboration: Collaborate with and oversee external professional translation companies/vendors, ensuring seamless partnerships and maintaining high-quality standards. 【Qualifications】 • Experience: 5+ years in localization project management, including 3+ years in a managerial capacity, demonstrating successful project leadership. • Language Skills: Native proficiency in English and Mandarin is essential. Proficiency in an additional language (Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, or Hindi) is advantageous. • Learning & Tech Enthusiast: Outstanding learning abilities coupled with a passion for exploring new technologies and fields. • Industry Background: Preferred experience in gaming or software information industries. • Communication & Independence: Positive personality with excellent communication and coordination skills. Ability to thrive in challenges and work independently. If you‘ve got the goods we‘re looking for, why not throw your hat in the ring and join the A-team? Be the superhero our team needs, and let‘s make some magic together! Apply now and become a VIP player on our dynamic squad. 🚀✨

應徵人數|1-5 人


具豪宅大樓管理經驗 備事務證照 形象良好 可配合現場值班輪休等相關作業者 具電腦作業操作能力 能獨當一面者公寓大廈事務管理人員輕型機車輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.管控各專案進度,確保各專案符合品質預算及交期 2.確立產品規格與客戶技術需求 3.跨部門技術溝通與資源協調 4.作為技術人員與客戶之間溝通橋樑 5.配合任務需求加班及出差機械工程學類,電機工程學類,工業工程學類普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


門市儲備店長.完整教育訓練培訓 依工作經驗底薪保障38000~45000.獎金另計.最高業績獎金含底薪可領68000以上 3個月~6個月培訓期滿依表現及能力調薪2000~5000,獎金另計輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Job overview】: We are looking for a new colleague in our amazing Taichung HQ office for our new unannounced product. As a Publishing Manager on unannounced title, you will work with internal and external developers to lead production efforts in bringing the new title to market in global regions. You will build the relationships with developers across teams at Wanin and publish the title globally. You will ensure that the team is set up for success at every stage of project development from the prototype and pre-production to launch. 【Responsibilities:What will you do? 】 ● Define and execute product strategy for our new unannounced product. ● Drive the creation of product or feature roadmap. ● Drive the delivery of team‘s feature work. ● Ensure team‘s work matches overall project priorities and goals. ● Provide essential product feedback and insight to the team and leadership. ● Communicate team staffing needs. ● Team has predictable and measurable capacity for work through. ● Ensure optimal team health, culture, and efficiency. ● Act as liaison between Wanin and its local publishing partner in the regions. ● Provide support for additional publishing and marketing operations with internal teams and external partners. ● Day-to-day coordination, including reviewing marketing materials and assets, publishing timelines, content operations, reporting, launch and live operations milestones. ● Translations of assets to aid in team communication, if needed (Chinese <-> English). ● Work on project management of a variety of publishing and marketing tasks. ● Driving and owning growth in User acquisition and pro-actively improving processes. ● Manage alternative promotion channels and partnerships. ● Set up necessary reports and deliver them regularly to team and leadership. 【Required Qualifications: What are we looking for? 】 ● 3+ years’ experience as a Publishing Manager with experience leading and coordinating live game development and operations. Must have shipped multiple mobile games or with production responsibility on key features and/or content . ● Strong project management and inter-cultural communication skills. ● Fluent in Chinese and English, and can promote collaboration across language and culture. ● Good knowledge of social games advertising, platform advertising. ● Good knowledge influencer marketing strategies. ● Good knowledge of the pan-Asia media landscape. ● Ideally tapped into pop culture of pan-Asia regions – films, games, music, and other entertainment. ● Passion for mobile games. ● Autonomous, pro-active and innovation focused. 【Desired Qualifications: What additional skills will help you stand out? 】 ● Love challenges, lean management processes and getting fast results. ● Be direct and to-the-point in your communication and management style. ● Understand what F2P, social games and mobile games as a service are about. ● Be 100% reliable and understand your responsibilities. ● Be ready to own, drive and grow our business further. ● 5+ years of experience as a Mobile Game Producer or Publishing Manager with experience coordinating live game/app development and operations. ● Experience working on action oriented pve and pvp mobile titles.

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 思想開放,喜歡創新,不害怕提出問題 2. 希望一份穩定收入,喜歡團隊合作 (需與各部門主管及上司保持雙向資訊流通) 3. 喜歡與人溝通互動、排解問題 4. 工作內容屬管理性質,適合愛好挑戰自我 且 自律、有強烈責任感 及 有時間觀念者 5. 不限資歷,不需具備相關背景 6. 偶爾有外務走訪,需具汽、機車駕照 (或有意願任職後1個月內完成考照者) 如以上項目像是在敘述你(妳),我們期待與你(妳)見面。 歡迎有興趣者來與我們企業一起成長。輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|11-30 人



※需具有政府標案經驗,熟悉標案流程者尤佳。 1.處理專案資料及安排追蹤之專案進度整理。 2.進行專案項目的執行、溝通、協調與結案,能獨立作業者優。 3.負責專案新功能及既有功能之品質驗證。 4.具良好的溝通能力、EQ高,抗壓性強且有責任感。 5.協助專案系統測試、問題釐清、問題匯整。 6.協助客戶服務與客訴例行處理並提供良好的服務品質與態度。 7.預估各專案成本,並擬定預算。 8.專案內相關行政作業及其他主管交辦事項。

應徵人數|1-5 人


擴大營業可年後上班,誠徵歡迎[財務]、[研發]、[製程技術]、[國內外行銷與業務]、[工廠管理]…等學有專精有執行能力之人才加入弊司團隊共同開創事業。精通英文或日文者,請註明。 (請仔細研讀以上內容,條件不符合者,請勿投遞,謝謝合作)

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 專案管理,計畫排定任務的優先順序,確保專案時程與品質   a. 專案開發與規劃:需求訪談、制定規格文件、報告書編撰等   b. 專案執行管理:跨部門溝通協調、定期召開會議與彙報等   c. 指揮監督專案團隊的執行進度、資源調度及品質成本管控 2. AIoT相關:規劃統整AWS雲端技術、IoT模組、BMS後台管理系統與APP,進而運用AI,深化產品附加優勢   a. 規劃與執行解決方案   b. 規劃與執行跨平台軟體框架,並導入產品   c. 規劃與執行雲服務 (SaaS),並導入 3. 與技術廠商合作、共同完成專案

應徵人數|1-5 人


※本工作主要依照訓練計畫內容「執行」相關人事物。 【此工作以執行為主,文件為輔】 1.招募學員(待業者、在職者)。 2.專案管理、執行。 (1)撰寫修正計畫。 (2)溝通並解決課程執行問題。 (3)聯繫專案相關人員、安排課程及教學老師。 (4)拜訪廠商及訪談調查。 (5)文書作業、系統輸入。 (6)教學設備清點與整理並出貨。 (7)活動辦理。 (8)其他專案管理相關事宜。 3.郵件寄送。 4.處理主管交辦事項。 5.具駕照會開車為佳。 ☆本職務的考核績效獎金: (1)年終績效獎金。 (2)專案獎金。 (3)課程獎勵金1000元。 (4)課程出差加給。 【期待將您「已經具備的工作技能」,能運用在我們單位,讓單位發展得更好!】 ※本會「邀請面試」使用1111人力銀行「信件通知」, 敬請注意電子信箱收信夾,謝謝!※ ※請勿來電查詢是否收訖履歷,將主動邀約合適之夥伴面試時間,謝謝!※ ※本會外撥手機號碼節費電話為0978-190989,敬請注意來電顯示號碼,謝謝!※輕型機車,普通小型車輕型機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


【工作內容】 1. 收集並分析市場訊息,擅於研究相關法規。 2. 執行新專案之規劃、執行、掌控、成本控制及結案。 3. 協助各部門及廠處推動專案之執行、管理、問題追蹤及解決。 4. 溝通協調跨部門問題。 5. 協助各部檢討並改進工作流程及內容。 6.執行開發階段各項會議策劃、召集、記錄及進度跟催等工作。 7.再生能源發電設備認定作業送件。 8. 進行客戶溝通及訴願處理。 【具備特質】 1. 熟悉文書處理,細心謹慎,認真負責,應變能力強。 2. 對於能源產業、ESG相關議題具熱忱,不排斥與公部門對應。 3. 具備能源產業經驗豐富者薪資面議。專案管理普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1. 專案施作:依專案需求負責現場圖控與通訊設備軟硬體架構及模組之設計、規劃、施作、導入並控管專案進度。 2. 專案維護:現場系統軟硬體設備管理維護、測試與修改。普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.協助高階主管執行短、中、長期經營策略規劃。 2.能主動搜尋並整合內外部資源, 執行跨國/跨單位專案。 3.有製造管理經驗為佳。 4.具英文溝通能力。

應徵人數|1-5 人


【Job overview】: We are looking for a new colleague in our amazing Taichung HQ office for our new unannounced product. The person needs to be creative, proactive, and should be able to set proper in class community and social media marketing strategies. As a Community Specialist on unannounced title, you will work with internal and external talents to lead production efforts in bringing the new title to market in global regions. The ideal candidate is an individual with in-depth game playing experience and high-level understanding of the social games and NFT market. 【Responsibilities:What will you do? 】 ● Plan and execute community/social media/influencer-related programs and content that acquire new fans and engage existing ones. ● Inform and engage players and fans through social media channels, discord and other channels. ● Manage social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter on a daily basis. ● Plan Facebook and social media content that can increase player engagement in line with in-game content beats and promotion. ● Possesses a deep understanding of the latest news, trends, and happenings, and is able to leverage this knowledge to create contents that truly resonate with our players. ● Effectively interacts with our players and responds to their inquiries, comments, and feedback. ● Evaluate and analyze social media content that seek effective ways to drive improvement. ● Help craft our narrative message, including talking points, messaging and social posts. ● Provide editorial direction, planning, and guidance to our community publishing efforts. ● Build/manage relationships with community partners such as fan sites, forums, influencers, and external key community managers to promote our communication efforts ● Set up necessary reports and deliver them regularly to team and leadership 【Required Qualifications: What are we looking for? 】 ● Minimum 2 years’ experience working in and managing online communities - including social media, digital marketing, and influencer strategies. ● Strong project management and inter-cultural communication skills. ● Experience developing custom community activations on a regional scale. ● Fluent in Chinese and English, and can promote collaboration across language and culture ● Good knowledge of social games advertising, platform advertising. ● Good knowledge influencer marketing strategies. ● Good knowledge of the pan-Asia media landscape. ● Ideally tapped into pop culture of pan-Asia regions – films, games, music, and other entertainment. ● Passion for mobile games. ● Autonomous, pro-active and innovation focused. 【Desired Qualifications: What additional skills will help you stand out? 】 ● Love challenges, lean management processes and getting fast results. ● Be direct and to-the-point in your communication and management style. ● Understand what F2P, social games and mobile games as a service are about. ● Be 100% reliable and understand your responsibilities ● Be ready to own, drive and grow our business further. ● 3+ years of experience as a Mobile Game Community Manager with experience coordinating live game/app development and operations ● Experience working on action oriented pve and pvp mobile titles

應徵人數|1-5 人


原住民族委員會就業服務-專管人員 此人選須具備工作熱忱與責任感、良好溝通能力及專案執行經驗、具抗壓性與獨立處理能力 1.撰寫工作計畫書及年度計畫與預算的擬定、貫徹與執行 2.定期召開會議、編寫會議議程、會議紀錄追蹤 3.每月出勤及薪資計算、發放作業、請款資料彙整 4.年度教育訓練課程規劃、講師安排、行程規劃 5.員工績效目標值訂定評估、績效考核 6.年度成果報告製作、簡報 7.年度辦公室查核講師、委員安排,行程與會議規劃。輕型機車,普通小型車輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


1.掌握醫療產品市場分析、臨床資料及產品定位 2.原廠關係維繫及資源爭取 3.新產品開發規劃、接洽、執行及時程掌控 4.產品行銷推廣及計畫等 5.業務產品培訓、陪同業務推廣產品 6.國內外醫療器材法規認證(QSD/TFDA申請、展延及相關醫材規範事務) 加分條件: 1.有公司內部講師、教育訓練相關經驗尤佳 2.具醫療器材/儀器採購經驗優先錄取

應徵人數|1-5 人
