如果你對各國服飾、美妝保養品、食品、生活香氛充滿興趣且熱情! 同時也喜歡所有與美相關的事物 歡迎加入我們 :) 【主要工作內容】 1. 拍攝商品照及後製修圖 2. IG、FB照片及限動編輯 3. 基礎美編能力:即時貼文需求,修圖及製作銷售文宣。 **連線期間,依各國時差不同,需配合加班** 【須具備能力】 1.照片拍攝修圖 2.基礎美編能力:即時貼文需求,修圖及製作銷售文宣 3溝通協調能力 【享公司福利】 1. 符合勞基法排休規定 2. 上班時間:09:00~18:00 (午休1個小時) 3. 勞保、健保、勞退6%提撥 4. 不定時員工聚餐、員工旅遊 ⭕請附上個人拍攝作品⭕ 需提供IG帳號^_^ (如帳號不公開可提供九宮格截圖,作為平日穿搭及版面參考)
應徵人數|0-10 人
Main purpose of job: The British Office Taipei is looking for a Driver/Corporate Services Support Assistant who can provide a high standard of transport and logistics support to the office. Core duties include driving and providing administrative assistance to the office. Roles and responsibilities / what will the jobholder be expected to achieve?: General driving duties – 60% • Manage transportation calendar and liaise with colleagues on their daily needs. • Provide professional and reliable transport to the HOM/ DHM/ office staff and/ or visitors. • Driver shall follow the traffic law and ensure to take users to the right place safely and on time. Care of vehicles – 10% • Ensuring the vehicles are always clean, serviceable and presentable. • Conduct daily check of tyre pressure, hydraulic fluid, oil, battery level and fuel. • Identify any defects as early as possible to keep any potential risk to a minimal level. Report any fault or damage immediately to the Line Manager or Head of Corporate Services. • Ensure vehicle maintenance, servicing and insurance renewal is done as necessary; get quotations as necessary. Admin Duties – 30% • Share responsibility with the other driver for settling official phone bills on a bi-monthly basis. • Assist UK Officers and their family members with their international driving permit endorsement. • Provide vehicle related advice to UK Officers. • Manage office e-tag and petrol account and to arrange for the top-up as necessary. • Maintain IT inventory for office devices and to ensure it is kept up-to-date; respond to requests for IT equipment in the absence of the IT Support Officer. • Deliver and collect mail and parcels to/from various Ministries and other locations. • Other tasks assigned to the Corporate Services Team as necessary. Essential qualifications, skills and experience • Driver must have a valid driver’s licence and with more than 5 years driving experiences in Taiwan as a full-time driver. • Strong driving skills – safe, smooth driving style; capable of driving long distances; understanding of and ability to drive an Electric Vehicle. • Strong planning skills and flexible approach to core responsibilities. • Be familiar with various destinations including ministries, companies, airport, hotels, banks etc. • Have a broad knowledge of travel routes, road conditions throughout Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan and Hsin Chu. • Ability to learn and improve. • Strong communication skills. • Be able to work at very short notice. • Confidence with Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook. • Basic English language, particularly spoken English. • Required to work overtime on both weekdays and weekends upon the request. Overtime payment will be paid accordingly. Language requirements: Language: Mandarin, English Level of language required: Basic English Desirable qualifications, skills and experience • Preferably driver has worked at another Representative office or had similar experience working for an international organisation. Key behaviours required for the job: • Changing and Improving • Delivering at Pace • Developing Self and Others • Making Effective Decisions • Managing a Quality Service, Working Together Other benefits and conditions of employment The FCDO also operates an agile workforce. To facilitate this, you may be required to undertake other duties from time to time as we may reasonably require. Working at the British Office Taipei will give you an excellent opportunity to develop professionally. We offer: • 13.5-month payment in December (pro-rated based on start date) and subject to statutory payroll deductions • Opportunities to travel • Annual leave starting at 18 days with one additional day added each year up to maximum of 30 days (in addition to UK and Taiwanese national holidays) • Centrally located office, with a modern, spacious and well-lit working space. • Reasonable working hours and respect for your work/life balance. Learning and development opportunities (and any specific training courses to be completed): Jobholder is entitled to access all learning and development opportunities available for the job grade S1 which includes FCDO Diplomatic Academy as well as competence-based training at post. • A senior management team committed to achieving a healthy work-life balance for its employees. Working patterns: Full Time: a shift pattern is in operation on a monthly rotation. One month will be early duty and the following month will be late duty. Additional information For more information and how to apply, please access the following link to our FCDO vacancies website: https://tinyurl.com/4dz6x8fw All applications must be submitted through the FCDO Vacancies website and received before 23:55 on 9 September 2024.普通小型車
應徵人數|0-10 人
▬▬▬▬❤️❤️歡迎加入匯勝大家庭❤️❤️▬▬▬▬ 【職務內容✨】 1. 營業所車輛調動管理。 2. 銷售報表統整、數據分析。 3. 例行報表統整及行政事務處理。 4. 各部門行政文書事項。 5. 其他主管交代事項。 ✨福利:提供原廠專業訓練、年終獎金分紅。
應徵人數|0-10 人
1.負責樹木巡查記錄. 文書整理 2.工程管理 3.公司交辦事項 4.需丙級園藝或造園技術士證照佳 5.協助處理文書資料事項等園藝學類,一般農業學類,林業學類輕型機車,普通重機車
應徵人數|0-10 人
1.行政事務處理人員。 2.具會計基礎佳,有進銷存概念佳。 3.做事細心、耐心、肯學習。 4.EXCEL基礎操作. 5.完成主管其他交辦事項。商業及管理學門
應徵人數|0-10 人
1. 一般文書類、行政事務處理,為內勤人員。 2. 協助處理一般行政事務。 3. 負責一般文書資料處理工作。 4. 維護、更新、管理各類文件檔案和資料庫系統。 5. 完成工作時程表,管理行事曆,並負責會議協調與安排。 6. 準備會議議程,參與會議並撰寫會議記錄。 7. 負責收發公文並處理會簽文件。輕型機車,普通重機車
應徵人數|0-10 人
1、 文件資料的歸檔與整理 2、 協助設計圖送審 3、須會AUTO CAD、文書處理(WORD、EXCEL) 4、 學生夜間部可,無經驗可培訓 5、 辦公環境佳,工作時間可面談 週休,上班地點內壢(中壢工業區附近)
應徵人數|0-10 人
▲負責內容: 1.報表文件建檔及管理。 2.總機接聽及接待客戶。 3.雜項採購及信件收發。 4.會議紀錄及簡報製作。 5.簡易零件庫存管理。 6.其他主管交辦事項。 ▲額外津貼: 1.全勤獎金 2.三節獎金 3.銷售獎金 4.年終獎金 5.生日禮金 6.員旅補助輕型機車
應徵人數|0-10 人
1.負責一般行政文書資料處理工作。 2.處理其他一般會計文書及建檔歸檔。 3.電話接聽及訪客接待。 4.熟悉電腦作業及office文書。 5.協助處理庶務性行政工作 6.主管交辦事項 7.依其表現予以調薪 8.無經驗者可,有相關經驗者尤佳 肯學習 9.積極、開朗,自我管理、具良好理解力、溝通協調力。輕型機車
應徵人數|0-10 人
1. 維護家長客服品質 2. 負責公司業務推廣 3. 政府單位業務管理 4. 行政櫃台人員管理 5. 負責部門溝通聯繫 [備註] 工作地點:新莊、泰山、樹林三校可選擇,可配合三校輪調者尤佳
應徵人數|0-10 人
本公司屬於全聯福利中心的物流中心.運輸課..有專人教導! 工作內容: 1.電腦資料建檔 2.車隊協助管理 3.路線編排 4.其他文書業務
應徵人數|0-10 人
1)負責訂單、出貨的安排與客戶聯繫相關事宜 2)接聽電話、資料建檔及其他行政事項 3)會word、excel及powerpoint等office基本電腦操作 4)主管交代事項
應徵人數|0-10 人
1.應屆畢業生可 2.熟悉電腦操作 3.無經驗可 面試時間10:30~11:50(上午面試地點在大寮)、 下午面試14:00~16:00(下午面試地點在小港)。
應徵人數|0-10 人
對外: 1. 協助業務開發 2. 窗口聯繫關係維護 3. 翻譯 對內: 1.跨部門溝通與作業支援 2.行政文書作業 可與歐美日知名時尚運動品牌合作開發,將我司經編網布應用在最新鞋款上,歡迎對運動產業有熱忱並且活潑外向的您加入!
應徵人數|0-10 人
工作內容: 簡易的Excel操作與整理訂單、出單 理貨、包裝水果宅配出貨 客服人員處理訂單事宜 需熟悉電腦操作 並且需具備有汽車駕照 月休6-8天(彈性調整) 視工作狀況週六彈性上班(薪水另計) 工時:9:00~17:00 我們也會依照工作表現狀態給予當月額外獎金 (享勞健保、三節紅包、員工聚餐、員工旅遊、年終)
應徵人數|0-10 人