1111找工作 APP



1.定期執行基礎產品維護,如: 設備上潤滑劑、清潔等) 2.測試受損的機器零件,以便決定是否需要大修 3.進行產品設備之維修,並做維修登入 (維修設備、損壞原因、進行之維修方案為何及成功與否) 4.除了定期產品設備維護、保養及維修外並預防問題發生 5.製作及登入維護、維修登記表 (紀錄每次保養設備之項目、維修之項目以及時間),供設備損毀時之參考依據 6.意見回饋,公司過去設備常發生之問題或客戶之建議,以利設備儀器研發或購買之參考依據

應徵人數|0-10 人



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What we are looking for The Service Team at Nova is looking for Field Service Engineer with high technical skills to support and provide unique customer value. In this role, you will be responsible for a wide range of technical and support functions aimed at ensuring the smooth operation of equipment in the field. Your insights and observations will help on improvements and adjustments to both the equipment and support processes, contributing to the overall enhancement of the company’s offerings. Role & Responsibilities • Implement, analyze, diagnose, evaluate and troubleshoot technical equipment problems, and support company systems in the field. • Collaborate closely with users, and to maintain, support, and guide proper training. • Maintain proper reporting methods for all activities of customer support as defined by the Territory Service Manager/Customer Support Manager. • Maintain company’s parts inventory under the position’s control. • Maintain proper level of stock in accordance with company spare parts tock policy, as set from time to time. • Support in new equipment integration, “add-ons,” and upgrades. • Provide feedback to the headquarters based on experience gained with customers. if you are interested of this position please send your CV of below link: https://www.novami.com/comeetitem/7184f/工業技藝及機械學門,機械工程學類輕型機車,普通小型車輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.回覆客戶技術的問題,提供蝕刻機台技術諮詢。 2.提供客戶處安裝、移機、檢修維護保養機台設備。 3.接聽客戶電話,回應並處理客戶問題、故障排除。 *可接受手機值班&on call *願意轉調至其他據點(新竹、台中、台南)機械工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.回覆客戶技術的問題,提供蝕刻機台技術諮詢。 2.提供客戶處安裝、移機、檢修維護保養機台設備。 3.接聽客戶電話,回應並處理客戶問題、故障排除。 *可接受手機值班&on call *願意轉調至其他據點(新竹、台中、台南)機械工程學類,電機工程學類,電子工程學類普通小型車普通小型車

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.產品組裝、測試維修 2.分析產品異常狀態、維修紀錄建檔,提供日後參照、管理 3.維修問題技術分析 4.ICT電腦測試操作及校正

應徵人數|0-10 人


機器設備維修、保養、送貨、收款...等。(需具備基本電腦操作能力) ***需自備機車普通小型車,普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.產品出貨檢驗測試 2.機具設備維修整備 3.廠務相關事項作業 4.其他主管交辦事項工程學門,工業技藝及機械學門,運輸服務學門輕型機車,普通小型車,普通重機車

應徵人數|0-10 人


【福利介紹】 1.享團保 2.享年終兩個月(含三節) 3.公司設立職工福利委員會,福利完善有保障 【上班時間】 常日班 08:30~17:30(週休二日)/輪班做二休二(工時視各廠上班時段,如輪夜班會給予夜班津貼)(加班會依照勞基法規定給薪,加班狀況以維護廠區作業為優先) ***面談時會詳細解說*** 【倉管工作內容】 搬運與配送物料至無塵室、操作倉儲自動化系統與設備、貨物帳管理。 ★搬運主要在無塵室移動(入口至無塵室各站)及大庫房 【廠務機械課工作內容】 1.廠務機台保養 2.廠區裡的巡檢和保養。 3.支援工程師操作及維修機台 4.水電&空調設備維護及保養工作 5.門鎖五金/內裝工程維修 6.安裝各種機具、電機設備(如:消防系統、電梯)。 7.檢查裝配組件之準確度,並於必要時進行鑿、銼、刮及其他輔助工具作業。 8.檢查各種機具、電機的故障狀況,並修換損舊組件及線路。 9.進行線路的舖設及連接。 ★須遵守台積廠區相關規定,此工作需進入無塵室,穿著無塵衣 ★對倉儲、廠務設備運轉機台維護與操作有興趣人員,無經驗亦可,有經驗者佳。輕型機車,普通重機車

應徵人數|0-10 人


1. 定期執行基礎產品維護及機器保養 2. 進行產品設備之維修或零件更換 3. 紀錄維護資料、製作報價單及洽談合約 4. 送貨、售後服務及建立顧客關係 5. 應收帳款催收普通重機車普通重機車

應徵人數|0-10 人


1. Regularly handle client RMA return and service related issue. 2. Plan and arrange the spare parts in client location or local service center. 3. Regularly review the spare parts stock level and necessary fulfillment. 4. Coordinate with manufactory for spare build and spare shipment. 5. Review the RMA term and procedure with client. 6. Warehouse management. 7. 須有獨立帶案能力,相關工作經驗至少三年以上。商業及管理學門,工程學門,電算機學門

應徵人數|0-10 人


1. 衛浴產品搬運、送貨、驗貨、維修與安裝等相關工作。本職務需搬運重物!!! 2. 不可吃檳榔、嗜酒及無不良嗜好。普通小型車

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.照明燈具、開關插座安裝、火警消防設備安裝 2.一般建築物的供水與消防給水管路的施工與維護 3.水電消防配管配線、高低壓電氣設備安裝 4.按照藍圖進行高低壓配電線路施工、電路維修及電器設備安裝

應徵人數|0-10 人



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1.清洗整理 : 設備器材拆卸清洗整理、環境整理 2.貨車搬運司機 : 配送餐飲店設備器材 3.協助安裝工程 【依能力調漲薪水】歡迎洽詢輕型機車,普通小型車

應徵人數|0-10 人


Job Description Provides highly visible customer support through the performance of on-site installation, as well as overseeing any necessary diagnoses, troubleshooting, service, and repair of complex equipment and systems. Checks out and approves operational quality of system equipment. Instructs customers in the operation and maintenance of the system. Serves as company liaison with customer on administrative and technical matters for assigned projects. Interprets customers’ needs and clarifies if the responsibility for problem resolution falls to sales personnel, customer support reps, or engineers. This job may include any aspect of field support, and is not limited to system hardware and software, PCs, and networking/wireless networking Installs and upgrades a wide range of complex and advanced company products according to technical documentation and company guidelines to ensure that customer’s equipment operates efficiently. Demonstrate to customer equipment operation and specification according to Customer Acceptance Procedure (CAP). Instruct customers in operation and basic maintenance of VMS products. Requires no direct supervision. May coordinate and review the activities of a small group of Installation Representatives. May coordinate other expert company resources required to assist in performing the installation or upgrade activities. Applicable to the Oncology Systems business only: Position must have full access to VMS client sites to perform the essential functions of this position. Many VMS clients require VMS employees and representatives to meet certain “Vendor Credentialing” requirements before they will be allowed to have access to their sites. Unless prohibited by law, position must meet all Vendor Credentialing requirements necessary to have full client access, and must continue to meet those requirements during the course of VMS employment in this position.

應徵人數|0-10 人


我們需要具備邏輯思考能力與問題解決能力者; 歡迎資工、資管相關科系畢業者,有下列相關工作經驗者尤佳。 1. 交換機通信平台系統安裝、維運、功能整合驗證。熟Genesys通信平台更佳 2. 錄音平台系統安裝、維運、功能整合驗證。 2. 公司客製化軟體產品安裝維運與整合處理。 主動溝通、能獨立作業並與團隊合作,擅長客戶溝通協調。資訊工程學類,電子工程學類,電機工程學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


后里/半導體大廠/廠區工程師/完整教育訓練 /免費交通車/月休15天/42K起/獎金高達十萬/年薪上看80萬 歡迎半導體相關工作經驗及電子、機械系及半導體相關工程學系應屆畢業生 ------------------ 有興趣請直接投遞履歷,或聯絡我值得信賴 JOHN   LINE:@383wdgyq /連結 https://lin.ee/R2jYaYV 直接打:0985-991-665 詢問工作資訊 ------地點------- 台中市后里區三豐路、后里區后科南路、后里區后科路二段 -----工作內容------- 執行機台、維護保養、機台操作、更換改機、常態性搬重物(5KG) 完整教育訓練,結訓後下單位; 用餐自理,廠區有美食街; 四休三隔週換三休四; 兩班制,固定班別不輪班。 初期有培訓期,兩週至一個半月, 培訓期待遇 41,000元/月,0800~1700(一日8 hr 日夜班皆同) 培訓期結束後, 日班待遇 42,500元起/月,0730~1930(一日工時10 hr) 晚班待遇 49,000元起/月,1930~0730(一日工時10 hr) 兩次休息時間,共兩小時 -----福利------ 免費交通車送你上下班; 月休十六到十七天; 享勞保、健保、團保、勞退6%; 享三節禮品或禮金; 滿週年久任獎金最多130,000 -----須配合------ 全套或半套無塵衣,全英文使用電腦,兩個月輪班一次 ----交通車班次---- ➊頭屋→苗栗→三義→后里 ➋北屯→朝馬→后里 ➌北屯→潭子→豐原→后里 ➍沙鹿→大甲→外埔→后里 ➎大里→太平→后里 ➏彰化→員林→后里 ----------------- 有興趣請直接投遞履歷,或聯絡我值得信賴 JOHN   LINE:@383wdgyq /連結 https://lin.ee/R2jYaYV 直接打:0985-991-665 詢問工作資訊

應徵人數|0-10 人


