1111找工作 APP




Business Function The digital revolution is transforming how we live and work, but it also introduces new and complex risks. Digital risk management has become an indispensable function, necessitating a strategic and forward-thinking approach to proactively identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential vulnerabilities that could jeopardize an organization‘s operations, assets, or reputation. We are looking for a diligent and proactive Digital Risk and Governance Manager to join our digital banking team. You will be responsible for ensuring compliance, managing risks, and implementing controls for our digital platforms and products. Job Description In this role, you will: 1. Collaborate with platform teams to ensure adherence to internal policies and external regulations 2. Conduct regular risk assessments and recommend improvements to control processes 3. Act as the main contact for audits and inspections, coordinating responses and tracking remediation 4. Develop and implement digital banking policies, procedures, and control standards 5. Monitor regulatory changes and ensure the bank‘s digital offerings remain compliant 6. Prepare regulatory reports and ad-hoc surveys 7. Support Digital Banking’s Business Continuity Management plan and processes 7. Support Digital Banking’s Business Continuity Management plan and processeses, and control standards 5. Monitor regulatory changes and ensure the bank‘s digital offerings remain compliant 6. Prepare regulatory reports and ad-hoc surveys 7. Support Digital Banking’s Business Continuity Management plan and processes

應徵人數|0-10 人


新光三越百貨對於空間場域的風險管理非常重視。 致力於通過全面的風險管理策略,確保設施和人員在環境中的安全。 如果你對安控室風險管理相關議題充滿熱情, 並且希望在一個穩定且充滿挑戰的環境中工作,歡迎你加入我們!一起成長。 工作職責: 1.針對與本公司各項安全相關事件及議題進行資料的蒐集、分析、據此製作或草擬相關安全制度。 2.協助辦理安控會議。 3.辦理安全工作教育訓練。 4.主管交辦事項(兼主管秘書)。公共衛生學類,公共行政學類,綜合社會及行為科學學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


•Collect and synthesize data to prepare daily, monthly, quarterly, annual or ad hoc reports as required by the State Bank and Head Office. •Design, implement, and maintain an effective risk management framework. •Oversee and mitigate risks associated with market, liquidity, credit, and operational activities. •Conduct research and develop application infrastructure, risk analysis methodologies, management information systems, and portfolio management strategies for the Branch. •Review and validate data, submissions, and reports from relevant departments. •Compile data and summary reports, and manage risks as identified by internal and external audits. •Develop and evaluate systems and tools to enhance risk assessment and analysis. •Provide support to leadership at all levels in managing and controlling branch risks.

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.銀行流動性風險(Liquidity Risk)及銀行薄利率風險(IRRBB)管理及分析。 2參與資產負債風險管理專案及研究。 3.其他資產負債管理相關工作:建構預測模型、系統建置財務金融學類,數學統計學門,一般商業學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.推動與落實ISMS資訊安全管理制度。   2.配合辦理本院之資通安全相關事宜。   3.各項資安相關事務之辦理、溝通協調與進度追蹤。工程學門,資訊科學學門,資訊管理學類

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.監督與審查風險管理流程及相關風險對策運作有效性 2.紀錄、審查和報告風險管理執行之過程及結果,並妥善留存備查 3.定期出具風險管理相關報告,及對接股務揭露風險管理相關資訊 4.規劃並實施風險管理相關專業訓練計畫,型塑企業風險管理文化 5.培養內部講師團隊以推動全面風險管理人才培育

應徵人數|0-10 人


1.訂定適用之企業風險管理制度 2.負責企業風險管理制度推廣、解釋與說明 3.及時獲取風險管理相關法規、監管要求、最佳業界實踐,輔助公司提升風險管理能力 4.協調及輔助營運單位辨識、評量、監測、管理及審查本公司內重大風險 5.分析營運單位提報風險事件之機率﹑影響程度及風險值的合理性與準確性 6.輔助營運單位制定和實施風險管理策略與措施,以減輕和控制風險的影響,降低風險事件發生的可能性

應徵人數|0-10 人


-資安維運 1.資安監控中心維運,包含資安事件監控、分析及通報。 2.資安設備導入、建置、操作及維運。 3.弱掃、滲透、紅隊演練及情資發現之漏洞追蹤、監控及修復 -安全開發 1.發展及建置資訊應用系統安全管理機制,以落實法規要求。 -資安治理 1. 推動、執行國際認證(ISO 27001)持續有效 2. 推動、執行年度資安評估計畫。 3. 推動、執行資安成熟度評估作業。 4. 推動及追蹤資安整體執行情形,包含稽核發現事項、外部法規要求及內部推行結果。 5. 舉辦資安相關教練課程或講座,製作文宣,強化公司同仁資安意識。 6. 資訊安全法規分析與議題研究建立內部法規遵循

應徵人數|0-10 人

